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Monday, November 10, 2014

What Are You Waiting For?

How true is this statement?  Let's think about it.  What are you waiting for?  The perfect time?  What is the "perfect time?"  After the holidays?  After your kids are in school?  When you retire?  Why wait?  What if that "perfect time" you've waited for never comes and you've totally missed out?  Then what?  Let me share some of my story.....

As you likely know, I did a program called the 21 Day Fix in February.  It was something that I wanted to do for myself.  My coach had been talking with me for about 2 years about doing something like this.  2 YEARS people!  Seriously, so yes, I know about waiting for the "perfect time,"  I finally decided to do it in February.  Truth be told, the fact that it was only 3 weeks long had a lot to do with that decision!  So, I jumped in and did it.  Was February a good time for me?  No, to be honest, it was probably the WORST time ever for me to do it.  My house was on the market, as my husband was on a nationwide job search due to changes at his work.  And, we were living in South Dakota, where it freezes that time of year.  By freezing, I mean 50 below 0.  Ya, it's a little cold there.  So, I was in full hibernation mode, eating comfort foods, ya know, junk!  Not working out because it was too cold to go to the gym and to be honest, I probably wasn't doing great mentally or emotionally with everything going on around me.  So, was it the "perfect time" to start?  HECK NO.  But, I did it anyway!  And, you know what?  I am SO glad I did!  Do I wish I had done it sooner?  HECK TO THE YES.  Do I regret doing it?  Not at all.  I only wish I had done it sooner.  Ya know what makes me sad?  If I had done it sooner, I could have had these results sooner.  More energy, more zeal for life, less crabbiness.  Peace.  Confidence in my own skin.

So, what are you waiting for?  For me, my "waiting" wasn't really about timing.  It was about me.  I didn't care enough about myself to do something.  I didn't think I was worth it.  I was comfortable with doing what I was doing.  Did I want to change?  Yes, I did.  Was I scared?  Yes, I was.  Did fear hold me back?  Probably.  What if I failed?  What if I didn't?  See, we get stuck in a cycle that goes like that, don't we?   What if this, what if that?  That cycle holds us back from so many things.  We get all caught up in our head and are afraid to try.  So what if I failed?  So what if I didn't?  Would anyone have known but me?  And, furthermore, why did it really matter?  Why do we do that to ourselves?  We hold ourselves back from our full potential so many times.  Friends, if you are reading this today, I encourage you to stop waiting.  That perfect time isn't going to come.  Life happens.  You've got to step out and go forth.  {Now if God is calling you to wait, that is another matter.  I'm not encouraging you to not listen to His timing at all.}  If you're waiting for the holidays, ya know what?  How many days are Thanksgiving and Christmas?  TWO.  Why would you wait and give up almost two months {60 days} for 2 days?  

I was listening to a call today with Chalene Johnson, who is a celebrity trainer who created programs like PiYo and TurboFire {both of which I adore, btw!}  She was talking about how so many times during this season, we are taking things off the list to put more things on like Christmas parties, Christmas cards, etc. What's the first to go? Our own self care. But that is the WORST thing you can take gotta take care of yourself so you are prepared & ready to enter this stressful time. Just remember, you ARE worth it friends! I am happy to help in ANY way I can!

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