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Thursday, January 29, 2015

Top Myths About Clean Eating

Today, I want to discuss some of the top myths/ideas/theories about Clean Eating. Are you ready? Let's go! Before I dive in, though, let's talk about what clean eating is. Actually, let me tell you what clean eating isn’t. Clean eating is not a diet or eating plan with rigid rules. It’s not something that requires counting, subtracting, or calculations of any kind. Take a big ol' deep breath because clean eating is way opposite of things like the Paleo Diet, the Atkins Diet, etc. Clean eating is a very easy lifestyle to adapt to. 


Clean eating is basically eating food in its most natural state/form. This means avoiding processed foods, foods with tons of preservatives, foods with lots of added sugar, and foods with high levels of bad fats {some saturated fats/all trans fats}. You also want to avoid foods that have been stripped of their nutritional value and/or have a heaping dose of hard to pronounce chemicals added to them. If you don't know what it is, don't eat it! Think about what you put into your body, friend!

Here's kind of an easy to follow list of what clean eating is:

  • Unrefined, whole-grains.
  • A diet with an abundance of fresh, local, organic fruits and vegetables.
  • Free-range and grass-fed meats and dairy.
  • More vegetable-centered meals than meat-centered each week.
  • Plenty of water or other no-calorie drinks (NOT diet soda, NOT crystal light, etc.)
  • Making healthy cooking choices, such as baking, steaming, and light sautéing whenever possible.
  • Consume healthy fats from natural sources such as nuts, avocados, organic coconut oil, etc.
  • Some people even say 5 ingredients or less. I think this is debatable....if something has 5 ingredients, 1 of them being sugar, the rest of them being things you don't recognize, I wouldn't call that clean. Focus again, on food in it's most natural state.

So, what are the myths that go with Clean Eating?

1. It's a Cleanse
Clean eating and a cleanse are very different things.  Clean eating is a lifestyle in which you focus on eating foods that are clean {unprocessed, as close to their natural state as possible, as mentioned above.}.  A cleanse is a short term "fix" that isn't sustainable and actually isn't good for you.  Did you know that decreasing your caloric intake, then increasing it {"yo yo dieting"} reaks havoc on your metabolism?  When you withhold food/calories, your body goes into starvation mode and actually holds onto fat to protect you.  So instead of shedding fat like you want it to, it has the opposite effect.  Eating clean is like fuel to your body and makes it more effective and efficient for you, and helps your metabolism burn fat, like you want it to.  So a cleanse is the opposite of clean eating.

2. It's Expensive
This one gets me every time.  I'm not sure how much to get into here, {might be another post for another time!} but let's just say where are your priorities?  Your health and your life and your family or your bank account?  It actually isn't expensive, it's a matter of re-organizing your spending.  You like Starbucks for a weekly treat? I did too, but it adds up. Take that expense away, add it to your eating out budget and you'd be surprised at how you can reallocate your spending.  Here is a great blog about "30 Must Buy Items At Aldi's." Aldi's is great - lots of fresh produce, gluten free items, almond milk, grass fed beef, etc. Eating well doesn't have to be expensive. If I can help with other money saving ideas, please let me know.  I'd love to help with this!

3. It's Hard To Do
How do you define hard?  Is it a change?  Yes. Will it take some getting used to?  Yes.  Will you need to re-learn/train yourself in some areas?  Yes. Will it take time?  Can you do it? YES, YOU CAN!  Start reading labels and learning what you are putting into your body and your families bodies too.  Learn how what you eat affects you and what it does to you. Pay attention to how you feel.  Are you lethargic? Feel like you're running on fumes? Are you irritated?  Does something feel off? Then, wake up friend!  Pay attention to what you put into your body and how it makes you feel!  You are NOT supposed to be lethargic, irritated, depressed, running on fumes.  That is NOT right.  Enough already!

3. I already eat clean
Awesome!  I am so glad to hear that!  I'd love to hear more about what you eat, what fuels you, share recipe ideas, etc.  Let's do this together!

Want to learn more about clean eating? Great!  I'd love to tell you more!  I also have a FREE cookbook for you full of some of my favorite clean eating recipes.  To access it, please go here and I will send you one!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

What Is 21 Day Fix Extreme, Anyway?!

So, maybe you have seen me posting or talking about my experience with the 21 Day Fix. And, now I'm posting about the 21 Day Fix Extreme. So, what is the 21 Day Fix Extreme? I'm glad you asked :)

To help you quickly tone up and shed off those final pounds, Autumn Calabrese {Autumn is a celebrity fitness trainer and national-level bikini competitor. She has made a name for herself by helping people lose weight and get fit through simple portion control and consistent exercise} has developed extreme 30-minute workouts that combine steady-state aerobics, resistance training, and explosive power moves that target every muscle in the body.

But that's not it…Autumn has also included her own personal nutrition plan that she uses for competitions, designed to get your body stage-ready and toned in just 21 days.

Another thing…if you get 21 Day Fix EXTREME through me, I can get you a FREE workout DVD called The Fix Challenge—a fast and vigorous bodyweight routine that scorches a ton of calories in only 30 minutes.

The program won't be released until February 2, so to be added to my list when it comes out {no purchase required, just getting information to you!}, please fill out this form.

Or contact me directly and I'll tell you more about it! Want to carve a serious hardbody? You have to try 21 Day Fix EXTREME.

Extreme Fitness + Simple Eating = Serious Results

What is 21 Day Fix EXTREME?

• A 21-day program that features simple portion control, clean eating, and extreme 30-minute workouts.

• The portion-control containers take all the guesswork out of how much you should eat.

• The Eating Plan will tell you exactly what to eat and when—and how to eat cleaner than ever.

• This is how you get seriously defined in 21 days.

What are the unique benefits? 

• No other program has you eating this well and working this hard. It's going to take guts, intensity, and drive. But it's only 21 days.

• The 30-minute workouts are extreme. They combine steady-state aerobics, resistance training, and explosive power moves that target every muscle in the body—to help you get toned in a short amount of time.

• Seven workouts; one for every day of the week so your mind never gets bored and your body never adapts.

• For your nutrition, you'll not only be practicing portion control—you'll be eating ONLY clean foods. No treats. No cheats. No excuses.

• Autumn has included her own competition nutrition plan, which she uses to get stage-ready and ripped in 21 days.

Here is a video talking about it as well, if you're visual, like I am: 


Who is a good fit for this program?

21 Day Fix EXTREME is ideal for those with a dramatic short-term weight loss deadline--such as an upcoming vacation, photo shoot, or other big event. It's an excellent next step for 21 Day Fix graduates ready for a new challenge or graduates of other extreme programs like P90X, Insanity, and FOCUS T25. Fix EXTREME is also great for those who don't have much weight to lose, but want to get toned and see abs; those with an "all in" attitude toward workouts and nutrition; or anyone who doesn't want to count calories, weigh their food, or follow complicated recipes.

I would not recommend the 21 Day Fix Extreme for a beginner. This is an advanced program. Autumn mentioned that on our National Wake Up Call this week.  So I want to make sure that you know to do the 21 day fix FIRST before moving to this program!

So, what are the deets?

* The program is 21 days long!

* You do 1 30 minute workout each day.

* You do not need a lot of space to do this workout. A 6 square foot area is all that you need.

*  Cross Trainers or aerobic shoes are necessary.

Now What?

Since it is a NEW program, I can only accept 5 gals in my challenge group. It doesn't come out for a few more weeks, so please fill out this form to get information as soon as I have it! It's going to be a great program and likely as popular as the original 21 Day Fix, which SOLD OUT the day it launched! Again, filling out the form doesn't commit you to anything, just gets you on the list to get the information AS SOON AS I HAVE IT! I'm excited!

Monday, January 12, 2015

The BEST Free Gift....

So, after posting about the great value there is in my FREE coaching, I feel prompted to share what the best FREE thing ever is.  Are you ready?  You may have heard this before, or for some of you it might be a new concept. Do you feel like you have done too many bad things or too many bad things have happened to you?  Well, my friends, that is a lie.  It is deception.

The truth is there is someone who paid a very high price for us to be FREE.  FREEDOM is available to all of us, we just have to ask for it. It doesn't matter what we have done in the past, or what has been done to us. Freedom, redemption, purity, cleansing, forgiveness, healing and salvation are all available and waiting for you.  You just have to ask.  There is no cost to it, at least not from us, because Jesus paid the price for our sins and all those things from our past that have the ability to bog us down.

One of the most well known verses, I am guessing, is John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."  Let's break that down....I see the word gave.  What does that mean? Something is given, it is a gift, it is free, no strings attached.  I don't see it saying "I will give you this, if you do xyz."  Do you see that? Didn't think so.   It does say, "whoever believes....."  Does it say "clean up your act, then come to me?"  No, I don't see that either. Does it say "figure it out, then come to me?" No, I also don't see that. What do I see?  I see a free gift, being given at a very high price that gives us eternal life.  WOW.  Who wouldn't want that?

Not only do we receive eternal life, but we also get peace, joy, love and many, many, many other blessings, including life to the FULL. Don't you want life to the FULL?  I know I do. I don't want life to the half.  I don't want half life.  I want this FULL life.  We get the gift of the Comforter Himself.  Are you uncomfortable?  Is there something you don't know how to figure out on your own? Something troubling you?  It doesn't have to be that way....He is the Comforter.  I heard a speaker once say "If you're comfortable, you don't need a Comforter." Well, ok, then.  I guess being uncomfortable isn't such a terrible thing.

So, while my coaching is a great FREE thing, this is something that is also FREE but it is SO MUCH BETTER!  If this is new for you or you have questions, feel free to hit me up.  I'd love to visit with you.

Maybe you are ready to receive this free gift after reading this.  If that is the case, say this prayer:

"Dear Lord, I come to you and I thank you for the gift of salvation in Christ Jesus.  I confess my sins and my need for you.  I invite you to come in and make me a new creation.  I ask you to be my Savior and my Lord.  I want all you have for me.  I commit my life to you today.  In Jesus' name I pray ~ Amen."

If you prayed that prayer today, congratulations!  I'd love to hear about it and help you get plugged in on your journey so you can grow in your relationship with God.

Be blessed today friends and enjoy this ultimate FREE gift ~

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Really? It's FREE?

Really?  It's FREE?  That is a question I am commonly asked when someone asks me how much my coaching is.  F-R-E-E!  Yes, my coaching is free!  Did you know that when you purchase products through me, as an Independent Team Beachbody Coach that I come free with your purchase?  Yup, I do! {But, for the record, let's not mistake free with cheap, LOL!  I am NOT cheap!  Ok....back to it.} So, when you register through my website, I am automatically assigned to you as your FREE coach!

So, what does that mean that I am your free coach?  It means a few things:

1. It means that if you don't already know which program you would like to use to reach your goals, I can help you find your "soulmate" workout.  We all know how it goes when we have an exercise program/routine that we don't really like to do.  What happens? We quit going.  Why?  Because we either aren't having fun or we aren't seeing our desired results.  I can help with that!  When you go online and order, you get what you get and hope for the best.  But, when you order from me, as your coach, I work with you to find out what your goals are, what your fitness level is and what you want to achieve.  Based on that, I can offer recommendations for you. Why wouldn't you want someone to help you find your best fit for a program?  We have all wasted money on gym memberships that don't get used, programs we buy to do at home, but don't, programs we don't like or haven't seen any change with.  Isn't it time to stop throwing your money down the drain?  I think so!  Having a coach help you select your program guarantees a higher rate of satisfaction with your workout program.

2. Having me as your coach means I will give you F-R-E-E {yes, there's the F word again!} education on when you should eat, how much, recipes, fitness tips, etc.  I really want you to understand the WHY behind what I suggest, so I believe in fully educating my clients.  I also provide accountability.  I put my clients in accountability groups on facebook {don't worry, they are private ~ only for those peeps doing the programs}.  In the group, I post education like I just mentioned, support, encouragement and my favorite ~ accountability.  At the end of the day, you have to say how your day went and what challenges you had.  That helps me, as your coach, know what I can do to help you get your desired results.  

3. Once you have graduated from one of my accountability groups, you become a "graduate," which is another private facebook group just for you :)  My coaching doesn't end when your program is finished.  I want to keep educating, motivating and supporting you on your journey.   I also have a rockin' referral program for those who refer new clients to me!

My goal, as your coach, is to help you be the best YOU you can be!  I want to help you enjoy a healthy, fulfilling life ~ whatever that looks like to you!  When you don't order through me as a coach, and you just order from the Beachbody website, you are assigned a coach.  A random who doesn't know you from adam.  You don't have a relationship with them.  They may or may not reach out to you.  And, every time you order from Beachbody, they get credit for it.  When you order from the Beachbody site, you don't get any of those FREE perks I mentioned above! You place your order, it comes and that is it. There is no one letting you know when your order should arrive, no help in assessing if it is the right program for you, no free coaching on your journey, no accountability, no referral rewards program, no free recipe e books....NOTHIN'.  

So, if I were considering purchasing from Beachbody, I don't know about you, but I would definitely go through a coach, wouldn't you?  Look at how much more you get for FREE by doing so! I don't know about you, but I'm all about a GOOD deal, and, in comparing both scenarios, I think this is a GREAT deal :)  If you agree, I'd love for you to sign up as my customer {you must not be currently working with another coach in order to do so, though.}  And, just for signing up, I will send you a copy of my recipe e-book, "The Best Of Clean Eating Recipes from Beachbody," as a thank you!  Here's how to get your free e-book:

Go to my site and create a free profile.  This way I can send you recipes, meal plans and monthly motivation and tips to keep you on track with your lifestyle.

I would also like to state that I am not about just selling someone something.  If that were what this company was about, we would not be called "coaches," we would be more like "reps," "distributors," something along those lines.  I believe very much in coming alongside my clients and best supporting them as I can on their journey.  I hope you will let me join you on YOUR road to success!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Why Do You Do What You Do?

Have you ever taken the time to stop and think about why you do things?   For example, what your motive is behind your action?  Or do you just operate on auto pilot?  Or is it all you know because that's the way you were brought up?  Or are you just barely getting by?  Why is it that you DO the things you do?  

Do we even know?  For years I just went along doing what I had always done, because it was what I knew.  I wasn't aware of other ways of doing things.  I wasn't open to the possibility that there might be another/different/possibly better suited way to do things.  But then I started to ask the what I am doing the way I am doing it getting me where I want to be?  The answer was no.  So ya know what happened? Change.  I changed.  I learned to change. BUT, I had to stop making excuses first.  Excuses are easy.  It wasn't my fault. You know the drill.  Been there before?  I'm guessing yes.

It's not like I got out a roadmap and said I want to change this, this and this.  It didn't work that way. It has been an evolving process.  Not just "poof!  I've arrived."  Nope, not that way at all.  In fact, look at how long it took me to get to where I was.  I think if we talk about it in terms of food, and weight gain...we just don't gain weight over night. It's a series of choices made daily that affect our end result {the compound effect}.

It all started with me admitting that I wasn't where I wanted to be in certain areas,  then figuring out what I could do to make the changes necessary.  And, even asking for support and help along the way.  

Was it easy?  No!  I'm not going to lie.  Was it worth it?  Yes. For sure!  I've really learned a lot about myself and who I am, vs. who I thought I was or who I should be.  It's been an interesting ride to say the least, but I'm loving the destination and look forward to the next leg of the journey for sure! So, how about you?  Why do you do what you do?  Do you know? I encourage you to sit down and reflect on this sometime, it's quite eye opening if you do! 

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Does Your Outside Reflect Your Inside?

Somewhat recently, on facebook, I asked the question "Does your outside reflect your inside?" Today, I want to elaborate on that question and why I posted it.  I had a deep thought the other day about this, so here we go.....

I was getting dressed to go somewhere and put on my jeans, sweater, my bracelet and my earrings and then it hit me.  In high school and in college, I was very big into being coordinated, having jewelry to match the outfit, having an all "put together" kind of a look. That continued, then it stopped.  As I took time to reflect on when it stopped I realized when it was.  It was after we had children.  Not right after having Lauren, as I remember someone coming to bring me a meal saying something like "you look great! You've got make up on, jewelry on, etc.  My biggest piece of advice was to get ready every day."  That wasn't a problem for me, I still like to be up, dressed and all ready to go {meaning showered, hair, make up, etc.} before taking kids to school.  It's just the way I roll.  But, the part that was missing was the "extra."  

See, after having Lauren, I lived in my Jockey Person to Person jog suit and jacket.  It was comfortable, fashionable and I liked it, but it wasn't me.  I stopped wearing jewelry too, which I had always done before because I was tired of it getting tugged on, chewed on, etc. Another part of myself I put away so to speak. What else did I put away?  Probably a lot. Taking care of myself, because who can exercise with a new baby?  Eating well, because who can do that when you're stress eating or shoving food in your mouth in between naps?  I survived off of pop and junk food to energize myself because I was tired. Sleep when the baby sleeps?  No, I have house things I "HAVE TO DO."  See where I was? Not a great place.

And, it didn't hit me until the other day when I actually did what I my "pre-child" life of putting on something other than my yoga pants and jewelry.  Ah, that fits now, I thought.  This is who I am. This is the real me. My outsides finally reflect my insides and that feels good.  So, how about y'all? Does your outside reflect your inside?  If not, where and what is causing the disconnect?  I'd love to hear your story.....

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

It's Time To Start LIVING!

Hello, 2015!  It's a new year!  Don't ya love that?  A new year, a fresh start, new things on the horizon for all of us, right?  So, my question is....why don't we live like this every day?   Do we need a new year to live or have a fresh insight?  If so, why is that?  I love this picture below:

Actually, I am even going to disagree with it now that I have posted it.  You don't even need a Monday, you need TOday. And, you have TOday, so why not?  The other day, Lauren and I were at Meijer, doing some grocery shopping and it hit me.  Ya know what?  I am HAPPY.  I am FULFILLED.  I am CONTENT.  I am PEACEFUL.  I am JOYFUL. And, I am thankful!

My life has certainly been a roller coaster ride, to say the least.  There are things that have happened that no one wants to have happen. There are hurts and pain caused by others actions.  There are losses and grieving along the way.  Life has not been a bowl of cherries and due to this, I have struggled with feelings of inadequacy, discouragement, depression, fear....just to name a few.  I have felt discontent, unfulfilled {especially as a new stay at home mom with a colicy child}, sad, displaced and like I couldn't find what I was looking for, what I was called to do.  I knew I wanted to help people.  I knew I wanted to be able to have flexibility and the ability to be home if my kids needed me, to be able to chaperone field trips, to be home on sick days without missing work, without feeling guilty or bad about it.  Part time work?  Sounds like a good idea in theory, but part time jobs that offered me flexibility are hard to come by. And, with part time work, paying for childcare would be a break even situation financially, so it didn't make a lot of sense. Direct sales?  I've done that before, had success before kids. Turns out I don't really like doing parties.  As much as I tried to NOT be a homebody, I am a homebody.  I want to be home at night, making dinner with my family and having time together before tucking the kids in.  So, where oh where could this type of opportunity be? Nowhere, I decided, so I decided to be content being home.  

If you know me, you know I'm pretty determined, pretty driven, type A, likes things a certain way, very business minded, entrepreneurial, so this would be tough for me & who I am.  After participating in a 21 Day Fix challenge group last February, the idea of coaching entered my head. Nah, I can't do that, I'm not fit enough.  Nah, I don't know enough about health/fitness.  Reason after reason after reason I couldn't do it filled my mind.  So, to the back burner it went. I remember very specifically being at the zoo one day & was shocked by how many people weren't healthy.  What they were eating wasn't healthy for them {not judging, just observing.  We all have our moments!}, there was smoking, etc.  It appeared from the limited window I had into others lives that day that we just don't know how to take care of ourselves.  And, who will pay the price for that?  If we don't know how to take care of ourselves, how can we take care of our children?  Are we teaching them how to take care of themselves?  NO.  It is a generational passing down of unhealthy lifestyles.  And it made me mad.  Mad enough that I decided to take a chance and start educating others on what they put into their bodies and how to take care of themselves. And I have loved every minute of it!  I realize this is a perfect fit for me!  It fills that business side/ "non-mom" part that is still a part of who I am, while also giving me the freedom and flexibility to work when I choose, not someone choosing for me. I get to help others learn how to take care of themselves and feel good again!  It is truly the best of all worlds for me and I am so thankful to get to be a part of others lives in this way!

I am thankful for the healing that God has given me from my past.  He has truly healed me and made me a new creation, just like the Bible says He does :)  It has been a journey for sure, and there have been several significant steps along the way.  All of these things had to happen to prepare me for what He has had for me all along.   So, what does He have for you? And, what is holding you back from getting it? The Bible says He came to give you life to the, are you living in that fullness? You have TOday & I encourage you to seize it friends!  Go get it!