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Saturday, December 5, 2009

And the stockings were hung...

Sorry, again, for the delay in posting....I don't have a good reason other than life has been very full & very fun! We were in Wisconsin & Iowa for Thanksgiving with Chad's family, which was nice. We even came home with a "holiday bug!" I had it first, then Chad got it & we think Lauren didn't end up getting it, thankfully! We returned home from our travels on Sunday & Chad left the next day for a work trip to California for 5 days! Thankfully, my mom came in for my birthday on Tuesday & we were able to decorate for Christmas, which was awesome! I LOVE our Christmas decorations this year...I hope you enjoy them too! My favorite is the garland on the stairway, which my mom is a pro at doing! Then, later in the week, my best friend from college & her son came to visit us as well, which was also wonderful! I love having people come visit, especially when Chad is away. Lauren & I are both very thankful he is home now! She continues to amaze us with her vocabulary - she knows all of her colors, her animals, what noises they make, etc. She is a bright little girl & a huge blessing to us! We have much to be thankful for!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Getting TOO big!

Our little girl is growing up, people! She is doing so many new, big girl things now! Here are a few examples:

* She says "sit down," then sits down!
* She takes her cup to the fridge, tries to get ice out (she isn't quite tall enough...yet) & says "ice please."
* She wants to sit in all the "grown up" chairs in the house. See picture.

She is such a joy, but it makes me a little sad that my little baby isn't really a baby anymore...where has the past year & a half gone? It really does fly by....

Speaking of baby, everytime Lauren sees another child, she calls them "baby." My brother, his wife & 2 beautiful kiddos came to visit us last weekend. Lauren kept calling her cousins "baby," even though they are 6 & 4. It was a hoot! And, she sure was able to keep up with them - you should have seen her darting after them around the house...she is FAST! Here is another pic of our time together, it was a great, special day!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

What Have We Been Up To?

I realize I have become one of "those people" who isn't keeping their blog up to date. It may be annoying, but it is a good sign that we are busy & enjoying life! We have really been liking life in Champaign-Urbana, IL. Lauren & I are keeping busy during the day by going on with walks with our neighbors, playgroups, Mom's group at Church, Parents Morning Out (on Thursdays, she is at a church nursery from 9-11:30 playing with other kids, etc. while I get a break!), and a Numbers Class. Chad is enjoying his job, so that is good too!

Chad & I joined a small group this week with our church & really liked it. I was hesitant to leave Lauren with a sitter each week, but realize how important that is for us! It was cool because they were all people in a similar stage of life - married, newer parents, etc. We KNOW this is where God has called us to be & we are so thankful for that!

Here are some pics of Lauren being her happy little self!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Home Sweet Home!

Chad & I were able to get away for a few days over the Labor Day weekend & it was great! Nice to be away in warm weather (West Palm Beach, FL), together, sleep in, go out for dinner & just relax & enjoy our time was a nice getaway! It was also the first real vacation we have had since Lauren was born. She did great at my parents & everyone had a good time, which is a huge blessing! However, I am so happy to be home & back in our routine. I realize I really enjoy my life & being a wife & stay at home mom....I am blessed & being away made me realize how much I am!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

I did it!

So, yesterday, I put my theory into practice & I saved 11.88! I would say 11.88 was worth going to more than 1 store! I think my new plan of action on saving money is to go to my standby for the regular items that I know are less there, & go to other stores when things are on sale, but there has to be more than 4 items I'm buying there. Make sense? I guess the bottom line is if I'm saving money, but it is causing me stress & I'm not enjoying it, it isn't really worth it...Have a good weekend!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Is it worth it?

Good evening! I know it has been a while since I last posted - sorry about that - we have been busy! Chad's parents were visiting for a week, which was so fun & so nice to have them here! They left this morning after a fun-filled week. We were so blessed to have so much time with them. Now, we are back to our "normal" routine - whatever that is with a toddler, right?

My question of the day is this: is it worth it? I am referring to driving to several different stores to get deals. I have tended to be a "one stop shopper," thinking that I am at the store that advertises "Low Prices Always," which means I am getting the best deals in one location, right? However, today, we went to another local store & I got a gallon of milk for just 1.98, as opposed to the 2.38 I spent at the "low price leader." So, while I saved .40 on a gallon of milk, is it worth it to go to all those stores? I know I didn't just buy the milk at the store, I bought things that we didn't necessarily need because they were on sale. Is that good? What about the price you spend on gas to get there? Any thoughts on this? I'm curious to know what you it worth it? Let me know!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Giving is Timeless

Good morning! I am usually looking for cute new things to add to my blog & saw this "blinkee" & it caught my attention. You may notice it on the right side - it says "Giving is Timeless." What do you think of that statement? What have you been given? What do you give? I'd love to hear from you on this topic! Enjoy this day!

Friday, August 7, 2009


Good morning! This morning I am thinking of what is helpful to people? What do people need? Deep thoughts, right? As I go through my routine with Lauren, housework, life, the day to day stuff, etc., I am thinking of things I can do to make life more enjoy each day more & not focus on the little things, the tasks, etc. What kind of things do you do to make life more simple? What would be helpful to you & would allow you to simplify your life? I'd love your feedback! Enjoy today!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Welcome to the world of blogging!

Good day! After looking at other peoples blogs for quite some time, I decided to start one of my own! So, we will see how this goes! Enjoy!