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Saturday, May 30, 2015

Why Freedom Isn't Free

The quick fix.  You know what I'm talking about right?  Oh, you know....just wanting everything to either "Poof! Disappear and go away!"  or "Magically get better."  It seems like lots of people want that, but they don't want to do the work it takes to get results.  I see it a lot with health, wellness, weight loss, but believe it's affecting us in other areas as well. Relationships, for example. Marriages. Relationships with our kids.  Our friends. Neighbors.  At church.  Anywhere, really.  Our lack of knowing how to work through things is affecting many many areas of our lives.  I see it daily.

What really gets me with this are a few things, really.  The mindset.  Do we think we are entitled to certain things because of who we are?  Is that a part of it?  Why do we think we deserve something we aren't willing to work for?  Chances are our actions have gotten us where we are and we don't like that so we want to snap our fingers and make it all better, or go away.  Why is that?  Why don't we realize our actions or lack of actions have led us to this point? that there are consequences, positive or negative, for what we do or don't do.  You know, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, right?

Or there is the victim mentality.  "I can't because __________."  "It wasn't my fault, it was so and so's fault." Basically saying "I'm not responsible for my own actions." Um ok. Since when is that the case?

What about the "I don't want to be rude/hurt feelings?"  This seems to be really prevalent with food.  "I ate something I shouldn't have because I didn't want to be rude to those serving me."  I understand that, I don't want to be rude either, but at what point are you in charge of your actions, choices, etc? If someone offered you a cigarette, would you feel rude saying no?  What about at the drive through when they ask you to Super Size it?  Is that rude to say no to those folks, too?  I don't think so.  Do you feel hurt when someone tells you "no thank you," and then think the rest of the day about how rude they were to you?  I don't.  So why do we do that with food or other things?

Now, I'm going to talk health/wellness/weight loss here.  I don't understand how people think they can eat like crap for 25 years, then all of a sudden think a pill will make them thin? How does that work?  Or other products on the market for weight loss {wraps, pills, oils, etc}  How does that change anything?  It doesn't.  It might give you short term results, but the sustainability isn't there.  You're not learning how to change your behavior.  You're not learning how to re-train your brain and your habits.  You are taking a quick fix that quite honestly I don't think makes sense.  I have tried so many things out there and none of them worked for me. None of them taught me how to eat, or why to eat that why.  I didn't learn how to exercise effectively.  I didn't learn anything, I just took/used the product, didn't change my behaviors and expected to see change.  I wanted a quick fix. It didn't work.  For sustainable change. you have to learn to change.  Change your mindset.  Change your habits.  Change your situation.  As you likely know for me, that change was a lifestyle change, not a quick fix. {You can read more here.}

The other area I see this a lot in is in freedom from the past. It's hard to work to admit where you've come from, what's happened, what you've done, etc.  And it's harder work to pursue healing for it.  A lot of people don't seem to want to do the work to get results, which just baffles my mind.  Yes, it's hard, I get that!  But it's harder to live in that place of bondage, paralysis, and the pit of the past. Believe me, been there, done that, bought the t-shirt as they say.  Has it been hard?  YES. Has it been worth it?  HECK YES!  Would I go back and change anything?  NO WAY JOSE.  

Freedom isn't free, it's worth fighting for though, friends. You are worth fighting for. So, what's holding YOU back?  Is it you?  Stop it!  Is it what others might think?  Stop giving them that much control over you!  Is it fear? That's False Evidence Appearing Real.  It's also a tactic of the devil to steal, kill and destroy, which is exactly what he's doing if you're not free.   So, if you're ready to do the work, freedom is waiting for you!  But, you do have to do the work.  It's not just going to come.  But, I promise you, it is SO worth it! Let me know if I can help.  God has given me freedom in many areas and I love to help others find freedom as well.

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