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Friday, June 10, 2016

Let's Talk About Fear.....What the Heck Are We So Afraid Of? And, Why?

Can I just be really real, honest, transparent and vulnerable with you?  If you've said no, go ahead and stop reading, it's ok.  My feelings won't be hurt, I won't be offended.  I'm sitting here in tears this morning.  Know why? Because of fear.  I am grieved by how many people let that stupid f word hold them back from living.  In so many ways!  {And by f word, I mean fear.....hope ya know that!}  I know because I've been there.

God has really opened my eyes in the past few months to 2 things that have held me back from reaching my potential for Him.  They are shame and fear.  Ironically, "fearless" was my word for last year.  "Unashamed" is my word for this year.  Yet, there is still so much fear in me I'm realizing. Here are some of my fears, to be really honest {see, here I go!!!!}

  • Fear of leaving the house with things out of place.  Why does that scare me?  Not sure, maybe it's more of control and not wanting to come home to a mess?  Still processing that one.
  • Fear of what people think of me.  This is big.  I don't ever want to be "that girl." Who the heck is "that girl," anyway and what did she do to anyone?  Part of what God is showing me is to be ME.  For someone who has had identity issues for most of her life, this is new for me.  But, I am learning that He has made me with a huge heart to help people, with a heart for business, with a desire to see lives transformed by Him and His power, but also by food and nutrition . Our bodies are temples for His glory, after all, so don't we need to learn to treat them as such? But why don't we?  For me, my issues were fear and shame {this may be another post, friends, I'm digressing here}. Back to what people think of me....I am His child, passionate about helping others be their best selves.  I'm not going to hold back from posting who I am or what He has called me to.  Learning to accept that if people don't like me or my posts and choose to unfollow me, that is ok.  I'm not here for their purpose or glory, but for His.
  • Fear of my success being selfish.  This is a big one for me.  Still praying and asking God to reveal the root of it.  Work in progress here!
  • Fear of not being liked/approved.  Yup, people pleaser in remission here.  Pretty sure I'm aware of the cause/root of it and have worked and will continue to work on this.  I do think that the core, everyone does want to be loved and accepted, right? {Maslow's hierarchy of needs?}
  • Fear of the loss of control.  Now, this one is just dumb, I know because I'm not really in control!  Yet, I feel {ugh, those feelings are deceptive, friends!} that when my "ducks are in a row" and I'm prepared for the next thing, I am.  When that isn't the case, fear rises up.
  • Fear of the unknown.  Ugh, this might go back to the control issue mentioned above.

    So, now that I have bared my soul here, what are some things you are afraid of? I'm learning to ask myself "where does this fear come from," and "what is the WORST that could happen if these fears happened?" Normally, it isn't that big of a deal, in the worst case scenario.  The root of the fear is the hurdle it seems, because that's work. It's work to go back and figure that out, there might be pain involved, but from someone who is starting to come out on the other side of the fear, it's so worth it!

    If you struggle with fear, I recommend the book "Make It Happen, Surrender Your Fear, Take the Leap, Live on Purpose," by Lara Casey.  Life changing, friends!  Please don't let fear hold you back from being all God called you to be and all He has for you. "It is for FREEDOM He set us free.  Stand firm, then, and do not LET YOURSELVES {it's a choice, my addition here....} be burdened again by a yoke of slavery."  ~ Galatians 5:1.

    What is slavery?  "A condition compared to that of a slave in respect to exhausting labor or RESTRICTED FREEDOM."  Not sure about you, but restricted freedom sure doesn't sound like what Jesus came to give us, does it?  Step out of your fear friends, I'm doing it right alongside you as well.  It's time to get the noose of fear off of your neck and WALK IN YOUR FREEDOM, without shame, without guilt, without fear. Let's do this!!!  {Phil. 4:13}


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