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Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Thoughts On Giving Up Coffee On The Ultimate Reset

So, a few weeks ago on facebook, I posted this picture. 

It's the Ultimate Reset I ordered, which is a 3 week program.  The goal of it is to get the inside of your body in great shape, to give it a reset. That includes doing things like reclaiming your body, releasing unwanted compounds that hold our bodies back {think toxins, pollutants, chemicals, etc}, and restoring the digestive system.  {Which 80% of your immune system is in your gut, so I want mine restored, please!}  However, the struggle I have with it is eliminating the coffee. Let me explain.

See, part of me thinks "it's only 3 weeks, I can do anything for 3 weeks. To get the full flavor/results/impact/effectiveness of the program, I should cut out coffee."  Ok, so that's one camp. The other camp is over here saying "it's not like you're going to cut out coffee forever, so why bother? It's only 3 weeks. You can get a low acid coffee and use that. You will be fine."  Then, I go back to thinking that's not following the full program though and I want to prove to myself I can do it.  See, the struggle is real!

Then I get into the whole "you've given up so much as it is, why give up coffee?  Coffee is like the one thing left, ha!?"  We have cut out wheat and dairy due to food intolerances and with clean eating, there's not a lot of junk food we eat anymore.  That's totally fine because I don't like it anymore and don't really miss it either, so that's not a big deal, it's just the idea of something being taken away, ya know?  

So, that's where I'm at.  Still haven't decided what I'm doing on the coffee yet, but will let you know. Ugh.  Why does it have to be so hard? Is it possible it's an idol to me?  I've been trying to think through and really pray about what coffee means for me, what it does for me, etc. And, maybe that's it.  Maybe it's an idol.  Not sure....but ya know I will update when I know more!

Thanks for letting me process this.  I'm an external processor, so this is helpful!!

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