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Monday, May 19, 2014

Breakthrough: Motivation or Control?

I like control.  A lot.  I've always liked control, however, I'm noticing as I get older & grow in the Lord, I don't have the same need for control that I have had in the past.  A few weeks ago, I posted this on facebook -

"Personal Motivation: Does it change with time, as you age? Discuss."

In the comments, I wrote this - "Thanks, all. This is helpful. I asked because I'm a total type A personality & used to have a high urgency/motivation to get things done. Today, I was not motivated to clean up my kitchen after lunch & wondered if it is because I'm getting older. LOL."

There is a group on facebook I'm also a part of for moms.  The group is called No More Angry Moms of Boys.  {Apparently, there are some of us out there}.  What I posted there was this - "I've been thinking about this a lot since joining this group so just want to throw it out there. I've wondered why I am so angry, what is the cause of my anger? For me, I have discovered in part it was a loss of control. To be honest, it started with pregnancy & the loss of control I felt with my body. Then, once the baby was born, not feeling like I knew how to mother because of my model. Our firstborn had colic, which left me feeling completely out of control with lots of crying/screaming. Then add an out of state move, starting over, getting pregnant unexpectedly with #2, a husband who traveled for work, being home alone with 2 children I didn't feel like I knew how to mother, a house not looking the way I wanted it to {loss of control of my house too}, being on their schedule, not mine, Then to discover we had food allergies, sensory processing disorder too was a lot! I've realized that really, being a parent has been God's way of breaking me of my control issues & letting Him be in control, like He has wanted all along & really should be. As a parent, I feel I have very little, if any control of anything."

So, how do these comments, or posts, connect?  Well, let me break it down for you.  {Break it down now!} 

Yesterday, our family was going about our normal day.  I was exercising & kept getting interrupted, even with Chad being home.  This caused some anger in me.  Anger that I couldn't even have 30 minutes to myself to exercise, which is a loss of control.  So, I let it go, get in the shower, which was also interrupted.  Anger builds.....I come out to the kitchen after I am dressed & ready & the kids are fighting.  Loss of control, again.  Anger builds some more.  What do I do at this point?  I look for something to control.  I can't control my children.  I can't control their fighting.  I can't control my interrupted exercise time or my interrupted exercise time.  So, what can I control?  Cleaning up the kitchen.  I start busting around the kitchen like no ones business to clean up that mess, man.  In the midst of it, I realized what it was about.  CONTROL.  That ugly word that it is.  

It made me reflect on the fact that there have been times when I have let the kitchen sit for a while, which isn't like me.  Dishes on the counter, food out, etc.  Oh yea, baby, I'm letting it all hang out!  BUT, what this showed me is that I am getting better at giving up control.  Things don't have to be in perfect order right away; that stress isn't there for me as much anymore, which is awesome.  What I was looking at as motivation was actually control.  So, I wasn't losing motivation, I was giving up control, which is actually a pretty sweet place to be.

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