Ok, friends, it's the time of year to think about New Year's Resolutions! Christmas has passed and New Years Eve will be here before we know it! Did you know that each year, 45% of people make New Year's resolutions? Know what is at the top of the resolution list each year? Weight loss. You guessed it!
How many of you have made a resolution to go to the gym more? Eat better? Eat less? Drink more water at the start of a new year? And, how many of you have not followed through on those resolutions just a few weeks later? {Me, me, me, me....I have been there done that for sure!}
I am super excited in these few weeks we have been on break, I have been re-vamping my challenge group content to make them better than they were last year! I am super excited about what my challengers are going to get from participating in a group! I'm starting my new group on Monday, January, 5 and would love for you to JOIN us!
Why do those people I mentioned above {myself included, remember?} not follow through on their goals? Why do they not keep going? For me, I had a few reasons. One being lack of a program. I didn't know what to do at the gym, so I walked, did the elliptical and I got really daring once and did a group fitness class! Did I learn what I needed to be eating? NO. Did I learn how much water I should drink? NO. Did I have any support, encouragement or motivation? NO. I didn't even know anyone in the class, which made it even more lonely. The fitness instructor wasn't checking in on me to see how I was doing, if I had any questions or needed anything. Then, when I had been going for a week or two and not seeing results, I was discouraged! What did I do when I was discouraged? Emotionally eat or get a Starbucks drink, of course! That will make me feel better, right? It might have for the moment, but really it undid any sort of progress I was making at the gym.
Last February, I did a program called the 21 Day Fix and it literally changed my life and opened my eyes to so many things. Here are some of the lessons I learned:
1. 80% of results come from nutrition. 20% is exercise. I always thought I could eat like crap then exercise it off. NOPE. 80% is based on what goes into your mouth! 80% I was shocked!
2. I need a program in place. I like routine and being told what to do and how to do it {in terms of fitness and nutrition, that is!} I was thankful for a nutrition guide that came with the program that told me WHAT to eat and the containers that told me HOW MUCH to eat. I also learned WHEN to eat. I also got a workout calendar that told me what workout to do when. Having a system all laid out that I did not have to create, research, look on Pinterest for was a huge benefit to me! I could just follow it and be on my way.
3. I need support! Having an accountability group where I was getting information, education, support, motivation and advice was awesome! This is really what helped me I think. I had to be accountable for my actions and it was powerful!
4. Shakeology is truly the real deal. I will admit, after trying multiple shakes over the years, I was skeptical of Shakeology. But, after trying it, combined with clean eating, exercise and proper water intake, I can honestly say I feel the best I have felt in my whole life. I know my body is getting what it needs and that I am truly fueling it, rather than stuffing it with junk to keep me going. From someone who used to be a caffeine, sugar, carb addicted gal, this is a huge change for me! I feel great! I have energy to not just get through the days, but to enjoy them and THRIVE. My mid afternoon slump is gone, my cravings are gone and it ensures I'm getting what I need nutritionally for the day. It is nutrition that I wasn't getting before. I am healthier, I perform better during my workouts and I don't need a multivitamin now. This is not a protein shake or even a weight loss shake. It is a health shake.
As you can tell, 2014 has been a great year of working on myself and becoming the best me I can be. I feel like I'm at my peak, after having 2 kids. {I'm not talking physically, but mentally, emotionally and spiritually. A lot of this has to do with breaking free from the food bondage I was in, I believe.} I want that for all of you too. We have been given this great life, so are we living it?
Are you ready to experience this for yourself in 2015? Great! I'd love for you to join us :)
So here is the dealio! I'm starting a 30 day fitness support and accountability through my online Facebook private page.
The requirements are this:
You make me your coach by going to my site and creating a free profile which makes me your COACH!
You contact me by completing the application below to be considered for a spot in the group.
Together we decide what fitness program will best meet your needs. You are required to do a Beachbody Fitness program {I will help you make the decision as to what fits you best}
You are required to replace Shakeology with 1 meal each day for the very best results. My goal is to teach you how to plan and prepare the other meals of the day so that you get the results you are looking for. At the end of the 30 days the choice is yours to continue with Shakeology or not!
You must check in daily to the closed online group to rate your day, be accountable and engage in the group discussion of the day.
That's it! You get to workout in your own home but be connected to me 24/7 for support, fitness, recipes, nutrition and tips!
I am committed to helping you get the very best results possible! Are you ready to rock it?!?!
Complete the application below to be considered for our January 5th start date!
Fill out my online form.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.