See, in my mind, things are how they were when I left. The town{s} is the same, the people are the same. I am the same. This is where it gets tricky. What I imagine isn't reality. The town{s} has changed, people have changed, I have changed {thank goodness!} BUT, in my mind those things are as they were when I left. But again, in my mind, I am different. This is not reality. Nothing is the same. I am not the same, people aren't the same, towns aren't the same. Time marches on, doesn't it? Yes, it does. So, the fact that I'm not the young teeny bopper I was when I was here is tricky. {The mirror certainly doesn't tell me I am, lol!}
Recently, I have been struck with how many younger people have recognized me or known me since being back. I think at least once a week, someone says "Hi Melissa," or "didn't you go to Delphi?" And, I have no idea who they are. Then I feel bad. I have a good memory. I remember names, I remember faces, I remember people. So, the fact that I don't know who they are makes me feel bad. I was at school the other day and someone from college recognized me. Once she asked if I was in Purduettes, I knew just who she was. Name and all. I was excited about that! Then, shortly after that, I started to think that everyone looked familiar and I should know them! It's really a trip being back after being away for so long.
The other interesting thing is the places that are so familiar. I have memories here. Experiences here. Triggers here {ha ha! Kind of kidding, kind of not}. It's like an out of body experience really. I was on campus a few weeks ago. I haven't been on campus since I was in college, so to be back how many years later with children in a mini van was a big wake up call. Whoa. Still kinda reeling from that one. It's like in my mind, I remember being there in college, so when my body and my reality don't connect with that, I don't know quite what to do with it yet. It really is bizarre.
Thankfully, people have been very kind and gracious in offering their name and how they know me and I appreciate that. So, it's been a wild ride being back. Stay tuned for more of our Indiana adventure!
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