So if you are a person who says you value something, does your spending reflect that? For me, if I said I value health and wellness, but spent money on fast food, junk food, pop, fancy coffee drinks, what would that say I value? Not health and wellness, for sure! So, does your spending reflect your values?
We heard a speaker at a church a few weeks ago say something that really convicted me. He was talking about a new car he was going to purchase. He made the comment that he didn't want to spend more on something in his garage than he did investing it in the Kingdom. Ouch. That totally convicted me. {Yes, I might dream of having a luxury car one day. Not sure why, I know that isn't where my worth or value is. It doesn't say much about me except I like nice things? Might not spend wisely? Not sure on that....}
For me, I have found I really enjoy purchasing products that are HELPING someone else. Some of my favorites are: Sak Saum, Vi Bella, Noonday Collection, Trades of Hope and TOMS. There are so many great organizations out there that are employing people in need. Our dollars have so much power! We can help end poverty in the world by choosing where we spend our money.
So, back to yours truly, since I'm going under the microscope here :) What do I spend my money on? I spend it on organizations that help people as I mentioned above. I spend it on Kingdom ministries. We tithe at church and give to various mission organizations. I also spend it on health and wellness. I buy lots of fresh fruits and veggies/month. We are gluten free, dairy free because the kids and I are intolerant. We buy very minimal processed foods. We avoid food dyes and sugars. We eat clean as much as we can. And, of course, Shakeology, the healthiest meal of the day. Yes, I used to balk at the cost and say it was too expensive. However, I have found that after drinking it for almost a year, that our grocery bill has not increased due to it {and I track our spending in excel!} I have also found that our vitamin line item in our budget has gone down. I believe that everyone deserves to take good care of themselves because they have worth and value.
Our family goes to the chiropractor regularly. We eat well, we don't drink pop, we exercise, we drink Shakeology, the kids take vitamins, in the winter, we take elderberry to boost our immune systems. This is our preventative medicine and this is where we choose to spend our money.
So, now it's your turn.....if we were to look at your bank statement, what would that ALONE, tell us about you? Something to think about, isn't it?
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