Have you ever looked at someone and thought "wow, I wish I was more like him/her?" Or, "they look so put together, I bet they have it all figured out." How about "they have a great figure, I will never look like that." Maybe it's this - "They are so successful, I could never be achieve that level of success." My question for you today, friend, is this ~ WHY NOT? WHY NOT YOU?
Who says you can't be more like that person you admire? Who says you can't get it all figured out? Who says you can't have a great figure & look like that person you wish you did? Who says you can't be successful? My guess is it is YOU. You are the one telling yourself those things. I know I was the one who told myself that. No one was telling me I couldn't....I was telling myself that. Did you know most things are learned skills? It's true - if you study something long enough and try it, you can do it. Will it be easy? Probably not. Will it be natural to you? Maybe, maybe not, but you CAN do it. Will you be just like them? No, because God made you YOU for a purpose and a plan. You can certainly glean skills and traits from people you admire and implement them if you choose, but you have to be you. There is only one you and you are here to fulfill a great plan and if you are trying to be someone else, that won't happen, will it?
What if we changed the WHY to WHY NOT? Why can't I be more like her? I could see what she does, learn it and start to incorporate some of her best practices. Why can't I look like that? I could exercise, eat better, drink more water, get more rest....I can look like that, too. Why can't I be successful? I could see what he does, read more books, learn more, and start to change some things. Do you see what is holding yourself back? It's YOU. You are in your own way, friend! I know, because I used to be in my own way too! It is time for us to get out of our own ways and to turn our "I can't _________" into "Why can't I," or "I can." Joyce Meyer said once "success comes in a can, not a can't." I love it!
So, here's my challenge for you today, friend. Take a chance on yourself! Why not? What have you got to lose? Change the negative self talk, get out of your way and take a chance! It could be the best thing you've ever done for yourself and those around you. You've got this, friend!
I believe in YOU!
~ Melissa
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