In February, I joined an online challenge group called the 21 Day Fix. This group was focused on better eating, portion control, and exercise. Each day, I pushed play on the DVD player and was greeted by the company logo as well as a scrolling text that says "Decide. Commit. Succeed." It didn't hit me that it said that until a few weeks ago. {Yes, I'm still exercising daily and see the same text daily.} I've been thinking about that a lot lately. The more I think about it, the more I like it. It's true - think about it. What happens when you decide to do something? You make a decision in your MIND to do it. If you change your mind, what happens? You don't follow through. What happens if you stick with your decision? You commit. When you commit, what happens? You see results. You succeed. It's a very simple concept, yet it's life changing.
What if we approached everything in life this way? What if we made a decision to get married, we committed to our marriage ~ went on consistent date nights, marriage retreats, invested in the relationship ~ and then we succeeded? What if we made a decision to raise our children, we committed to it and did what we needed to do {digging in, connecting and getting needed resources} and then succeed as parents? What if we did this for ourselves? What if we decided to be the best we can be? What if we committed to that and did the hard work it takes to see results? Then, we would succeed.
What would we be life if we were successful because we made decisions and committed to them? How would we feel? How would we think? What would we be like if we decided and committed to success? I think we could be a powerful force in the world and make a HUGE impact in our world. I encourage you to make a decision today, commit to it and then succeed. You can do it! I believe in YOU!
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