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Friday, June 13, 2014

Lavender Essential Oil Uses

I'm somewhat new to using Essential Oils, but I can say that when I use them, I am impressed with the results.  Lavender is very versatile and I think the most user friendly for newbie oil users.  How can you use lavender?  I'm glad you asked - 

* Insomnia -  Lavender is VERY calming, so I will diffuse it 99% of the time in our diffuser at home.  You can also apply to the bottom of feet to help with insomnia. 

* Fabric Softener - Place a few drops on a wet rag and put in your dryer.

* Cuts - Place some drops of the oil on a cut and it will cleanse and disinfect.

* Bug bites {Hello summer!} - Place the oil right on the bite to reduce swelling.

* Sunburn {Hello summer as well!} - This will soothe the burn and take away discomfort.

* To relax - Smelling some lavender oil will help relax and calm you.  A lot of times I will hold the bottle right up to my nose and breathe - true story!

To get your essential oils and save 10%, click here and enter "Mel" in the code box.

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