What is the American Dream? Is it a big fancy home filled with lots of lovelies and a luscious green yard ? Is it a fancy luxury vehicle in your driveway? Why do we have these dreams of all these things that we are too busy and too stressed out to enjoy? What is the deal with that? I've been doing some soul searching and have come to realize I really don't need or use a LOT of what is in my home. So, why is it taking up space and adding to the clutter and chaos that I don't need or want? MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION right there, folks! I don't know.
I have a new desire and a new dream to sell all of our things and start over. I have new eyes now - the ability to see things for their purpose, their need, not because it's cute, on sale, I have to have it, etc. I would be more INTENTIONAL with my buying. But, my husband won't let me - shh, don't tell him, but I still think it's a great idea!
What is the deal with stuff? Do we think it makes us look better? Does it make us feel better? Maybe, temporarily. Does it provide us with a sense of security? Maybe, but it's a false one for sure.
I'm just done with stuff, folks. Anyone else done too? Let's do something about it. I'm not sure what {sell everything? Anyone? Bueller?}, but I'm open to ideas!
Hugs ~ Melissa
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