If you have been reading about our life adventure over the last 10 months, you will know I have been homeschooling our kids in preparation for the move. The long term plan has been to homeschool them until we move and are settled in our new location. {Depending on where we landed, of course!} Now that our destination is known, I am surprised at the mixed feelings I am having thinking of NOT homeschooling. {Am I strange or what?}
See, I've not really considered myself a "kid person." I'm more of a "business person," "adult person," "productive, don't like to be interrupted type of person." That's been the hardest part of being a stay at home mom for me ~ the lack of productivity {in my eyes} and the continual interruptions. I really enjoyed the times I've had when the kids were in school so I could run errands, clean the house, make ahead freezer meals, etc. You know, accomplishing things! So having a "never ending summer" has been somewhat of a stretch for me. I've learned a lot, I've grown a lot and for the most part, I think it's been good for our family. I'm somewhat sad to think about Lauren being away all day again and I'm somewhat sad to think about Lauren and Landon not being together all day. But, I also think the time apart might be helpful for us all.
I guess I am just surprised I feel this way. Part of me wonders if this is about me liking a challenge and wanting to see how homeschooling would be in a home, settled, without all of the other things we have had going on. The things I originally worried about with homeschooling {socialization, etc.} haven't really been a problem. We have been blessed to have playdates with friends who also home-school or on non-school days for them, so we have certainly been able to keep up with friends. All in all, it's been a good experience. For now, the plan is to send the kids to Christian school when we get to Indiana. I'm open to homeschooling if for some reason the adjustment to school doesn't go well, it isn't best for our family, etc. So, I guess as with all things, we take it one step at a time and see what God has for us.
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