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Thursday, October 23, 2014

You Owe Your Family Your BEST Self!

You are worth it!  I'm not sure what your story is, what your struggle is, what your hardships are, but I do know this.  You ARE worth it.  At first, when I was learning to take care of myself, I felt guilty. I felt bad.  I felt like it wasn't fair to Chad or my kids to take 30 minutes to myself to work out.  {What is funny about that is that when I went to the gym, I didn't feel guilty at all!}

I also felt guilty about the amount of money I was spending on groceries, the program I was using, etc.  See, what's the root of this - GUILT.  Guilt over working out, guilt over spending money on myself, etc.  GUILT.  Know what?  Guilt isn't from God.   God doesn't want us to feel guilt over taking care of ourselves.  We are called to be good stewards of what He has given us.  Our bodies are temples of God {1 Corinthians 3:16-17}, so we are called to be good stewards of what He has given us.

You owe your family your BEST self!  So, why not take care of yourself and give them that? You are not being selfish if you take care of yourself, friend.  It's important to watch what we put into our bodies {clean, whole foods, water; nothing processed or chemical laden}, that we get enough water, that we eat the right amounts of the various food groups and we exercise.  We need to have energy, endurance and stamina to keep up with our fast paced lives, as well as our kids!  You can't do that if you are eating a bunch of junk, not getting enough water or exercising.  I'm sorry, but that doesn't work. I know because I have been there, done that.  I remember being exhausted around 2 pm every day and not having energy to focus on Lauren after school. I remember not eating regularly and being HANGRY all the time because I wasn't getting proper nutrition.  I was just burnt out and thought it was life.  Ya know what, it wasn't! It was my lack of self care.  Once I learned how to take care of myself ~ eating well, drinking enough water, exercising, getting proper nutrition, etc., I had more energy. The hangry times were gone and I felt alive!

You deserve to feel alive too!  Your family deserves for you to feel alive!  This is YOUR life, you get one chance.  Are you going to LIVE it or wish you had the energy to?

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