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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Top Reasons to NOT Become a Beachbody Coach

If you know me at all or have been reading my blog, facebook posts, or whatever, you know I'm pretty honest, right?  Well, I hope you know that because I am.  I don't like to have people be dishonest with me, so I will not be dishonest with others.  In the past, I have blogged about why I became a Beachbody coach, why coaching is great for me, but I have never addressed why NOT to become a coach.  So, I'm going to do so now.  In honest fashion, as always :)

1. You don't want to help people.  The MAIN reason I coach is so I can help people.  Maybe you're not the type of person who likes to help others.  That is fine!  If that is the case, then coaching won't be a good fit for you.

2. You have no desire to grow and change. You like where you are at.  Physically. Mentally.  Financially.  Socially.  Emotionally. For me, becoming a coach has become a beautiful process of self growth.  I have transformed my physical body for the better. I have changed the way I think about things for the better.  I have been able to contribute to our family finances all by working from home. I have been able to spend time with and get to know other like minded people and made some great friends.  I have learned to take care of myself in all ways, physically, mentally, socially and emotionally.  It's been a beautiful transformation.  If you don't want to be transformed in any of those ways, then coaching isn't for you.

3. You don't want to get paid to get fit.  I was talking with a friend in another company similiar to Beachbody and she pointed out something I had never considered before.  She said "you are getting paid to get in the best shape of your life."  Duh.  That is right.  She was spot on, yet I hadn't realized that.  It's a great side perk.  So, if you're happy where you are with your body, then I encourage you to not consider coaching.

4. You don't want to connect with other like minded people.  One of my favorite parts of this industry is the team synergy.  I love connecting with and talking with others who have a similar mindset.  It is invigorating! Something about it just fires me up!  But, if you don't want to connect with others in a similar mindset, you shouldn't consider coaching.

5. You are totally content with where you are in life and are not looking for anything more. You don't want to make more money, you don't want to have more freedom, you don't want to be able to do anything extra.

Since I said I would be honest, the last thing I would like to address is tough.  It has been the hardest for me with coaching.  Is coaching perfect and all rainbows, unicorns and sparkles?  No.  A lot of the time, yes, it is great, but I would be remiss if I didn't share some of the things I have struggled with.  {I said I would be honest, remember?}  It is frustrating when people you have been in conversation with and talking to about a program sign up with another coach, it is frustrating when people don't get back to you {I can't stand to be ignored.  I'd much rather be told "no thank you," than have something left unresolved.}  It is frustrating when you see the potential in someone for this opportunity and they don't see it for themselves {with both the products and as a coach.}  Yes, those things are frustrating. BUT, I have realized it is also LIFE.  There have been a few times where I have wanted to sit down, have a pity party and tell my coach I'm done.  But when I thought about what I would say, I realized this is life!  Things happen.  People are going to disappoint you. People won't see their potential.  People don't reply.  It happens.  So, I can choose to let it take me out and quit, or acknowledge and move on.  In a nutshell, those frustrating things have helped me handle life better in some ways.  After all, you can't quit life, can you?  At the end of the day, I am only responsible for myself and not others.

All that to say, if these things sound like you, please don't contact me about becoming a coach.  It won't be a good fit for you. However, if these things DO NOT sound like you, please let me know.  I'd love to tell you more about what I do.  It is truly a great gig and I am LOVING it! In my opinion, if you love something, it is selfish to not share it.  I don't want to be selfish, so I'd love to share this with you as well!  And, if this post inspires you, please contact me!  I would love to tell you more!

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