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Monday, February 9, 2015

Sinus Infection, Or ..............????

So, the craziest thing happened this week. Want to know what it is?  I'm gonna tell ya, no worries! As you likely know, we recently went to Disney World.  It was awesome!  We had a great time and I am so glad we were able to go. Chad had a conference, so we tagged along with him.  The kids loved it, so that was awesome!  The tricky part with our family is the food.  We all eat clean and with the kids and I all having issues with wheat and dairy, we avoid them.  Is it easy?  No.  But we have found ways around it.

However, what I have learned about myself is that when we are on vacation, I seem to think the normal rules don't apply.  Most of the time I do work out, but my nutrition kinda goes to the dump. This time, however, I went in with a different mindset.  See, with Chad being there for work, he had work commitments in the evenings, so I'd be flying solo and he also would be staying there longer than we would be to follow up on meetings, etc.  So, I would be flying solo for most of the week.  I know from past experience that when I am solo, I need to take care of myself.  I need to exercise, I need to avoid wheat and dairy {it makes me crabby}, I need to eat clean and I need to be on my A game.  {I didn't want Mean Mommy coming out right after being at the happiest place on earth, right?}  So, I did my best while we were there.  I think I did very well.  Disney is very food allergy friendly, btw.

However, the ride home from the airport, I blew it.  Not intentionally, but I did.  That hamburger from McDonalds did me in.  I ate the bun {wheat}.  Also, unbeknownst to me, I had some hidden dairy from another source once we returned home.  So, all in all I tried my best, but wasn't on my A game.

I woke up the day after we returned home and had a headache, which isn't normal for me.  I took some advil, or something like that that we had in the cabinet and went on my way.  Next morning, I woke up congested, with a headache.  I thought for sure I was getting a sinus infection.  Last time I fell off the wheat and dairy wagon, I got a sinus infection.  So now, I associate wheat and dairy with sinus infections apparently.  {Which makes sense, as it compromises the immune system}.  So, being proactive, I took some OTC {over the counter medicine} for congestion, headache, etc.  See the disconnect here, already?  I WAS TREATING THE WRONG THING!    Did the medicine help? No, because that isn't what it was for!  I was not feeling well because of what I had eaten, not because I was getting sick.  I was treating myself like I was sick and I wasn't.

So, I got to many times has this happened to others?  We go into the doctor, clinic, etc. for one thing, get a medicine that DOESN'T TREAT THE PROBLEM or make us better, but actually makes us worse?  The body is an amazing thing and when we give it what it needs, it tells us when something isn't right. My body was trying to tell me that something was off and I didn't listen, I just put a "band aid" {the medicine} on it.  It just made me wonder if this is what is happening in our society today? Are our bodies trying to tell us something but we don't know how to listen to them so we take something else in place of what the issue is?  Would love to hear your thoughts on this.....

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