Have you ever taken the time to stop and think about why you do things? For example, what your motive is behind your action? Or do you just operate on auto pilot? Or is it all you know because that's the way you were brought up? Or are you just barely getting by? Why is it that you DO the things you do?
Do we even know? For years I just went along doing what I had always done, because it was what I knew. I wasn't aware of other ways of doing things. I wasn't open to the possibility that there might be another/different/possibly better suited way to do things. But then I started to ask the question....is what I am doing the way I am doing it getting me where I want to be? The answer was no. So ya know what happened? Change. I changed. I learned to change. BUT, I had to stop making excuses first. Excuses are easy. It wasn't my fault. You know the drill. Been there before? I'm guessing yes.
It's not like I got out a roadmap and said I want to change this, this and this. It didn't work that way. It has been an evolving process. Not just "poof! I've arrived." Nope, not that way at all. In fact, look at how long it took me to get to where I was. I think if we talk about it in terms of food, and weight gain...we just don't gain weight over night. It's a series of choices made daily that affect our end result {the compound effect}.
It all started with me admitting that I wasn't where I wanted to be in certain areas, then figuring out what I could do to make the changes necessary. And, even asking for support and help along the way.
Was it easy? No! I'm not going to lie. Was it worth it? Yes. For sure! I've really learned a lot about myself and who I am, vs. who I thought I was or who I should be. It's been an interesting ride to say the least, but I'm loving the destination and look forward to the next leg of the journey for sure! So, how about you? Why do you do what you do? Do you know? I encourage you to sit down and reflect on this sometime, it's quite eye opening if you do!
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