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Thursday, January 29, 2015

Top Myths About Clean Eating

Today, I want to discuss some of the top myths/ideas/theories about Clean Eating. Are you ready? Let's go! Before I dive in, though, let's talk about what clean eating is. Actually, let me tell you what clean eating isn’t. Clean eating is not a diet or eating plan with rigid rules. It’s not something that requires counting, subtracting, or calculations of any kind. Take a big ol' deep breath because clean eating is way opposite of things like the Paleo Diet, the Atkins Diet, etc. Clean eating is a very easy lifestyle to adapt to. 


Clean eating is basically eating food in its most natural state/form. This means avoiding processed foods, foods with tons of preservatives, foods with lots of added sugar, and foods with high levels of bad fats {some saturated fats/all trans fats}. You also want to avoid foods that have been stripped of their nutritional value and/or have a heaping dose of hard to pronounce chemicals added to them. If you don't know what it is, don't eat it! Think about what you put into your body, friend!

Here's kind of an easy to follow list of what clean eating is:

  • Unrefined, whole-grains.
  • A diet with an abundance of fresh, local, organic fruits and vegetables.
  • Free-range and grass-fed meats and dairy.
  • More vegetable-centered meals than meat-centered each week.
  • Plenty of water or other no-calorie drinks (NOT diet soda, NOT crystal light, etc.)
  • Making healthy cooking choices, such as baking, steaming, and light sautéing whenever possible.
  • Consume healthy fats from natural sources such as nuts, avocados, organic coconut oil, etc.
  • Some people even say 5 ingredients or less. I think this is debatable....if something has 5 ingredients, 1 of them being sugar, the rest of them being things you don't recognize, I wouldn't call that clean. Focus again, on food in it's most natural state.

So, what are the myths that go with Clean Eating?

1. It's a Cleanse
Clean eating and a cleanse are very different things.  Clean eating is a lifestyle in which you focus on eating foods that are clean {unprocessed, as close to their natural state as possible, as mentioned above.}.  A cleanse is a short term "fix" that isn't sustainable and actually isn't good for you.  Did you know that decreasing your caloric intake, then increasing it {"yo yo dieting"} reaks havoc on your metabolism?  When you withhold food/calories, your body goes into starvation mode and actually holds onto fat to protect you.  So instead of shedding fat like you want it to, it has the opposite effect.  Eating clean is like fuel to your body and makes it more effective and efficient for you, and helps your metabolism burn fat, like you want it to.  So a cleanse is the opposite of clean eating.

2. It's Expensive
This one gets me every time.  I'm not sure how much to get into here, {might be another post for another time!} but let's just say where are your priorities?  Your health and your life and your family or your bank account?  It actually isn't expensive, it's a matter of re-organizing your spending.  You like Starbucks for a weekly treat? I did too, but it adds up. Take that expense away, add it to your eating out budget and you'd be surprised at how you can reallocate your spending.  Here is a great blog about "30 Must Buy Items At Aldi's." Aldi's is great - lots of fresh produce, gluten free items, almond milk, grass fed beef, etc. Eating well doesn't have to be expensive. If I can help with other money saving ideas, please let me know.  I'd love to help with this!

3. It's Hard To Do
How do you define hard?  Is it a change?  Yes. Will it take some getting used to?  Yes.  Will you need to re-learn/train yourself in some areas?  Yes. Will it take time?  Can you do it? YES, YOU CAN!  Start reading labels and learning what you are putting into your body and your families bodies too.  Learn how what you eat affects you and what it does to you. Pay attention to how you feel.  Are you lethargic? Feel like you're running on fumes? Are you irritated?  Does something feel off? Then, wake up friend!  Pay attention to what you put into your body and how it makes you feel!  You are NOT supposed to be lethargic, irritated, depressed, running on fumes.  That is NOT right.  Enough already!

3. I already eat clean
Awesome!  I am so glad to hear that!  I'd love to hear more about what you eat, what fuels you, share recipe ideas, etc.  Let's do this together!

Want to learn more about clean eating? Great!  I'd love to tell you more!  I also have a FREE cookbook for you full of some of my favorite clean eating recipes.  To access it, please go here and I will send you one!

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