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Monday, July 21, 2014

Excuse Me, Is There A Disconnect?

There is something I have observed lately that I don't understand.  I don't really know how to describe it, other than a disconnect.  You see, it seems to me that people want to make a change, yet they aren't wiling to do it.  I don't understand it.  If there is something you would like to change, that you can change, why not just do it?  What is it that holds you back?  Is it the familiar-ness of what you want to change, or be rid of? Is it the comfort of it?  If there is something that you aren't happy with and you can change it, why wouldn't you?  I have always been a person who thinks that if something is in my control to change it, I will.  Apparently, not everyone thinks that way though.  It puzzles me.  I'm not judging or saying they are bad people or have bad motives.  It is just a different mindset than I have, so I don't understand it.  I think this picture sums it up, a little.

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