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Sunday, July 13, 2014


In the week or so I was off the internet, I have made an observation about people, including myself.  People want to change.  There is something in their life that they aren't satisfied with.  Maybe it's a relationship, maybe it's their weight, maybe it's their job, maybe it's their parenting.  Something.  I'm sure all of us have been there.  That one thing that we don't like.  That one thing that won't change.  My question today is why won't it change?

Let's talk about weight for example, because this is common, it is something I have struggled with and something that we can do something about.  {There are some things that, frankly, we just can't do anything about.  In that place, we have to wait on & trust in God, which I'm sure will be another post down the road.}  However, what we eat is another matter, if we drink enough water, exercise and take care of ourselves ~ those are all things in our control.

  I have talked to several people who have a desire to lose weight.  Some people even have a need to lose weight.  Are they willing to do the work it takes to do it?  Some are.  Some aren't.  Some will reach out, ask questions, but that is as far as they go.  They don't actually make the commitment.  So, why not?  What holds us back from doing what we need to do to get what we want?  That is the million dollar question that I don't know the answer to.  

I can speak for myself for some of this.  To be honest, I'm afraid of change.  I like things to be comfortable, which is often familiar and safe.  But is it best?  Often not.  Was eating a blizzard once/week good for me?  NOPE.  But, it was familiar and safe.  And, I liked it.  So, I kept doing it.  But, it wasn't creating the changes I wanted to see in my life.

I went to a different Hy-Vee last week that I had not been in before.  Talk about a near panic attack.  I didn't know where anything was at in the store!  I was uncomfortable and I didn't like it.  I wanted to go to the store where I knew things were, it was familiar and safe and comfortable.  Silly, I know, but it's true.  I am a creature of habit, I like things to stay the same in my life :)  {Maybe that's a control freak?!}  

My point is this ~ why aren't we willing to challenge ourselves in those areas we don't like?  What holds us back from going there?  As the above picture says, if it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you.  Don't you want to change?  Isn't that the point?  Then challenge yourself.  Try something new.  Get out of your way!

If you don't like your job, start looking for new ones.   See what else is out there.  If you don't like your weight, change your eating habits and exercise {I know a great health coach who offers FREE coaching too! :) }.  If you don't like your parenting, read a book to learn better parenting tips.  There are things you can do to change the situation you are in, most likey.  You just need to do it!  So, how are you going to challenge yourself this week in one way to see the changes you want?  Let me know, I want to hear from you!

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