It's another hair post! But, with deeper meaning, I hope. All of my life I have had stick straight don't need a straightener straight. But, then, I had kids. Somewhere along the way of giving birth, I developed this crazy wave in my hair. It isn't subtle at all, but like this huge undercurrent of wave on one side of my head. It is just nuts...kind of like I have worn a ponytail in that section, then taken it know, the big bump in the hair. Yes, I have that lovely look going on. {Side note, I will now be sitting in the back on church so this won't be analyzed by those behind me, lol!}
So, I have this wave that appeared out of no where that I really don't know what to do with it. And, let's not bring in the stylist, because it looks perfect when I leave her. For several reasons: 1. she is a pro, 2. she has the right tools, 3. she has two hands and the right angle to make it work better than me, 4. she isn't being needed when she is doing my hair by a small child who was kind enough to let me shower in peace. So, there you have that....I digress......this wave. It isn't on the top layer of hair, but the underside. So it is rearing it's ugly head by the end of the day or if I exercise and don't shower right after and deal with it.
I hope you get the picture. But, my point is this - I can either work with the wave and embrace it and try to deal with it, or I can work against it. And, truth be told, I'm not sure what to do. I'm sure working with it and embracing it would be easier. However, as I think about it in a spiritual sense - are we called to do the easy thing? Is the easy thing always right? From my experience, no. It would be easy to let my kids sit in front of the tv all day, not discipline them, not teach them and just do my thing all day. Is that right, no! Not to me, that isn't my ideal of how I want to raise my children. {Not saying tv is bad, by the way.} So, in that case it is easy, but it isn't in line with my beliefs, morals and values, so it isn't right for me.
So, let's say I work against it.....well, what are we supposed to work against? Things not of Christ. Is that easy? No. Is it right? Yes. I guess what I'm learning is we need to pray and submit all things to God and have Him speak into them before we go off and do them.
I realize I am way off topic here as this started with a hair issue, but it has made me think and I think it has some implications to it. So, what waves in your life are you working with or against?
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