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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Has This Ever Happened to You?

You've had a rough morning - running late, forgot things at home, kids are fighting, emotions are high and stress is on the rise.  You feel like you're barely pulled together - did you remember to put make up on today?  You know, one of those say a prayer on the way to preschool, church, MOPS, the gym, or wherever you are going and start to feel better about the morning.  You know that bad moments don't make bad moms {thank you, Lysa Terkeurst and are in a better place than you were upon your departure.  Then, you see her  - you know, that mom.  The one who has it SO together - she is always on time, dressed perfectly, not a hair out of place, her van is clean, her kids are clean, well dressed, hair combed {not at our house!}, and of course, perfectly behaved.   Seeing her, so put together, brings up all the insecurity in you.  You start to doubt your fashion sense, your ability to keep your kids clean let alone your car, your mothering skills, you're not working out enough, etc. 

Why is it that when we start comparing our insides to others outsides we feel so yucky?  {That is a from a Hearts at Home speaker, don't remember who it was now, but will find out}.  Why do we do that to ourselves?  What we think about others based on what we see are often lies.  No one has the perfect life.  No one has perfect kids.  No one has a perfect marriage.  Let's just get that out there - PERFECT DOESN'T EXIST!  We need to be comfortable in our own skin, in who Jesus made us to be - not those around us.  Just because someone has it all together on the outside does not mean they have it all together on the inside.  I know, I've tried living that way - it doesn't work and it is exhausting!  Insecurity is a tool from the devil that he uses to steal, kill and destroy.  What are some things that can be stolen from insecurity?  Identity, joy, confidence in Christ, real-ness, relationships....what else?

My challenge for you today is try to get to know the person who is so intimidating to you.  Build a bridge and reach out.  Maybe she is intimidated by you for being so real?  Maybe she is lonely because others have continually pre-judged her like we have?  Maybe she wants to be real but needs someone like you to come alongside her to show her it's safe?  Maybe she just needs a friend?  Reach out beyond yourself and get to know them.  I bet they are more "real" than we have given them credit for just by judging them from the exterior. 

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