I didn't know what to expect, so I didn't really have any feelings going in. However, once we stepped inside, that quickly changed. The kids were all excited to see the dressed up dinosaurs, parrots and other characters they had there. They were caught up in the moment and I was caught up in the reality of what was happening here. I had all of these feelings and emotions come over me - guilt for having my healthy kids there, bravery for the kids who are fighting or have fought cancer, compassion for those families going through cancer right now and just awe of how they do it. It really hit me when I was walking upstairs and passed a little girl about Lauren's age who was bald and obviously fighting cancer. I lost it. It took my breath away. I was struck by how fortunate we are to have healthy kids. I take that for granted. It was eye opening to be around people who are living my greatest fear - sick children. Really sick, not just virus, cold or flu sick, but really sick. Cancer sick. It was surreal to walk into that place of fear. I really wanted to just run away - I'm not sure if it was fear or guilt, but I didn't feel very comfortable there. It made me realize that kids are not invincible. It made me realize how much I take for granted - my life, my health, Chad's health, my kids health. We have a great life! I think it was good for me to be outside of my comfort zone and realize there is much more to life than these four walls that hold my stressors sometimes - screaming kids, disobedience, recipes that don't turn out.....really? Yes, really, I have been caught up in my own little world and it was nice to get outside of it and realize just how blessed I am.
Father, I lift those sweet kiddos to you who are fighting cancer. I pray for healing, in Jesus' name. By Your wounds,they are healed. We say no to cancer, and yes to healing. Thank You, Lord, that You love them more than we do. Thank You for the gift of life that we often take for granted. In Jesus' name, amen.
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