Sorry, again, for the delay in posting....I don't have a good reason other than life has been very full & very fun! We were in Wisconsin & Iowa for Thanksgiving with Chad's family, which was nice. We even came home with a "holiday bug!" I had it first, then Chad got it & we think Lauren didn't end up getting it, thankfully! We returned home from our travels on Sunday & Chad left the next day for a work trip to California for 5 days! Thankfully, my mom came in for my birthday on Tuesday & we were able to decorate for Christmas, which was awesome! I LOVE our Christmas decorations this year...I hope you enjoy them too! My favorite is the garland on the stairway, which my mom is a pro at doing! Then, later in the week, my best friend from college & her son came to visit us as well, which was also wonderful! I love having people come visit, especially when Chad is away. Lauren & I are both very thankful he is home now! She continues to amaze us with her vocabulary - she knows all of her colors, her animals, what noises they make, etc. She is a bright little girl & a huge blessing to us! We have much to be thankful for!